If you think that's a question only your grandpa or your dad needs to worry about, read on...
Young men and women don’t usually worry about things like high blood pressure, but the fact is that it's a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease – heart attack and stroke – which is the leading cause of death in most country.
The good news is that cocoa supplements could help reduce blood pressure because cocoa is known to contain compounds that dilate the blood vessels.
Researchers in Germany are conducting a trial to test whether capsules of cocoa polyphenols could significantly reduce blood pressure. If the results are positive, they could replace traditional blood pressure drugs.
Researchers in Germany are conducting a trial to test whether capsules of cocoa polyphenols could significantly reduce blood pressure. If the results are positive, they could replace traditional blood pressure drugs.
Though dark chocolate contains the same polyphenols as cocoa, most chocolate bars also contain a lot of sugar and fat, which can eliminate the benefits. Chocoholics can now take heart and come out of the closet. Chocolate also contains flavonoids, a biological component of plant foods that can help reduce risk for heart disease. Chocolate, in moderation can be once again a part of a balanced diet.
If you’re not into supplements, choose a bar that is high in cocoa and low in added sugar to enjoy some of the health benefits of cocoa. Also, avoid smoking and drinking excessively, eat well and exercise regularly to keep your blood pressure at a healthy level.
Flavonoids are found in all plant-derived foods in varying amounts. Various flavonoids have been shown to prevent oxidation, chelate (bind) metals, stimulate the immune system and also reduce an allergic response, prevent formation of carcinogens, impede cancer cell growth, and protect against bacteria and viruses according toAgricultural Research magazine from the USDA. Different flavonoids perform different functions in protecting our health. Chocolate contains the flavonoids Catechins also found in tea ( regular black tea, not herbal teas) and this flavonoid in the diet has been show to help protect the heart from disease.
If you’re not into supplements, choose a bar that is high in cocoa and low in added sugar to enjoy some of the health benefits of cocoa. Also, avoid smoking and drinking excessively, eat well and exercise regularly to keep your blood pressure at a healthy level.